Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting Excited...Again...

Well, we just finished our little break to let my body recover from our last injectible cycle and that means we're off to the races again! This is the time when I let myself get excited. I dream of what our little family is going to look like, the funny part is I've dreamed of a thousand families that could be our future one. Sometimes we've got a little boy, sometimes we've got a girl, sometimes there are twins or sometimes two or three of different ages, sometimes the children look like Marty, sometimes they look like me, sometimes they look like there own little people and nothing like either of us. All I know is, when I dream, as we gear up for a new cycle, I dream of our growing family and I think this could be it, we could be one short month away from turning a new page in our  journey  towards meeting the actual children that will be in our future. I know that one day my children will not be dream children and my family will not be a dream family so as we head into a new cycle, I treasure my real family that stands by me today and hopes with me today....again.

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