Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fair Warning

So I'm signing off for a couple of weeks. There are people in my life that I want to make sure hear about the results in person and not by stumbling across it on the internet. My plan is to spend the next two weeks keeping my words to a couple of sentences a day either about the early stages of pregnancy and how that is going or the early stages of adoption and how that's going, but I'm going to just save them and wait until a couple weeks have passed. Basically, if it's positive I'm planning to wait until after the first u/s but if it's negative I don't want to give it away so I'm going to have a quiet blog for a couple of weeks either way. So, sorry everyone in blog land, you will have to wait for my results.  See you in a couple of weeks with more exciting news of our growing family, one way or the other.