Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Babies' room and mama's belly...

The babies' room is officially cleaned out thanks to my awesome mother in law for helping me lug all the crap that was in my once office to be in my now combined sewing room and office. When Marty and I left the first ultrasound after finding out about the THREE little ones boarding in this belly we instantly said something to the effect of "how did we just outgrow both of our cars and our house in one ultrasound?" Since the news has settled in we've realized that we didn't outgrown anything we just have to learn to be less selfish with our space. No longer do I get an office, a sewing room, and an art we're learning to be smarter (and more selfless) with our space and making room for our rapidly growing family! So here's a peak in to the babies' room:
Jovian (in the corner) is not sure what to think of it all and she's really curious why that squeaky giraffe is way up high where she can't get it!

and a peak at the growing room the babies reside in now:

This is 9 weeks 4 days and I think I should make Marty my photographer from here on out; I just look confused! 

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