Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We have A LOT to celebrate!

Our house now contains THREE 2 year olds (as of October 23rd, I'm a little slow)! I'm not sure how we got here because the first 2 years are a blur as any Mom of Multiples will tell you! I'll have to go back and read my own blog to jog my memory...

Well, regardless of how we got here, here we are at an incredible time in our boys lives. They are so inquisitive, creative and adventurous and are really forming their own individual personalities! It's funny I look back through the years and can see how we were leading to this day from even their very early, very tiny moments,

 From the anticipation in the room on their birthday

to their first official photos (Mylo)



 From first Baths

to first days out of the isolette

to graduations from the NICU
they've had so many, many milestones and have been growing towards the healthy, happy, silly little boys that giggle their way through our house today. 

These are certainly little fighters that deserve to be celebrated! 

and celebrate we did. They had a party with all the grandparents including Great-Grandma Helen and a some of their aunts and uncles and cousins. They all love big diggers, especially Mylo, so I had a blast making them a cake that I knew they'd be excited about...

and we had fun getting them to help them blow out the candles

and the only photo from their party where they are all looking at the camera! 

On their actual birthday we  had the traditional Angel Food cake and a nice time opening presents with Mom and Dad and Grandma Pat. I absolutely love that of all the gifts the boys received their favorite are all the books. I have readers and am oh so glad for that! 

and as much as we love our books, I think this is my favorite shot of the boys together on their birthday...

We have a lot to celebrate! Happy 2nd birthday little men! 

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